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Encounter The Supernatural


What To Expect

Our mission is to develop, disciple and deploy believers into the world as revivalists & leaders of change. Using a revelation-based approach to learning, students become not just mere intellectuals but intimates with God, equipped to hear His voice and bring Heaven's realities into the world around them. 


If you are looking for a school to find practical ways to grow in God, discover your purpose and fulfill it, then H4GSOM is the school for you! 

H4GSOM offers 4 Powerful Benefits

1.) You will learn how to hear the Voice of God and walk with God in the most fulfilling way imaginable.


2.) You will be equipped to live like Jesus lived and do the works that Jesus did. 


3.) You will move from Bible Study to Bible Experience, from theology to reality. 


4.) You will be equipped to become effective not only in ministry, but in your personal life and relationships. 

Image by Josh Stefoglo

Your Personal Transformation

  • Discover your identity in Christ.

  • Develop a deeper intimacy with God and other believers.

  • Learn and live out Biblical Kingdom Values.

  • Learn to walk in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  • Learn to study and love Scripture.

  • Get equipped in ministry training, revival groups and small groups.

  • Serve in love, truth, and power through ministry team and outreach.

Is H4G SOM for me?

Are you hungry to see the power of God in your life? Do you desire to have greater intimacy with God and with others? Do you have a passion to see the impossible made possible? Do you want to be used by God to shape the course of human history? Are you willing to embrace the lifestyle of a revivalist?

Image by Alex Woods


The atmosphere of the school is built around the presence of God. An entire culture is lived out day after day with worship as a primary expression. Passion, purity, power and love of the presence of God are center stage.


Our mission is to develop the revivalist God has created you to be. We expect you to grow in the truth, come to love it, deeply enjoy its value to save and transform you, and ultimately, to radically live it.


We emphasize hands-on training and experience along with academic understanding. This creates a “teach and do” culture where students take risks to stretch their faith and grow in their understanding of God.

Image by Pedro Lima



Take the next step. We can't wait to meet you!

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